
Stuffed Breadfruit


  • 1 Whole breadfruit
  • 1 onion
  • 2 Clove garlic, crushed
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 lb. Salt beef, pork or pig-tail
  • 1 hot pepper
  • 2 teaspoon flour


Boil breadfruit whole, covered with water in large, covered pan for 15 minutes. Remove from fire and place in greased pan in hot oven and bake for about ¾ hour or until cooked when pricked with a skewer. Remove from oven and dig out center or heart. While breadfruit is baking, make a stew with beef or pigtail. First cut into pieces. Put butter into pan over heat and saute garlic, and onion for 1 minute. Add pork or beef and hot pepper and about 2 cups water. Simmer slowly until tender. Then make a runny paste with flour and some warm water – thicken gravy and let simmer for another 5 minutes. Fill centre of breadfruit with mixture. Then cut into slice and serve, spooning balance of stew over breadfruit is serving plates.


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